Sunday, 7 April 2013


Proudly hanging on the wall of a Georgian townhouse is what looks like a classic 19th Century antique oil painting.

The painting is of a regal looking gentleman; it sits above a traditional fireplace, surrounded by an ornately decorated gold frame - hardly an unfamiliar site in a Grade II listed building in central London.

Look again, however, and you’ll see there’s a little more going on…

The man in question is Martin Van Buren, former resident of this Georgian house, eighth President of the United States of America, and for those that don’t know, reportedly the originator of the term “OK”.

In a cheeky twist to the normal pose for a painting of this stature, Mr Van Buren adopts the well-known “okay” hand gesture.

This is just one of the installations in the latest of a series of commissions for The Office Group that include a large 3D typography piece and a collaboration with super talented designer Alex Fowkes  - more on this to follow…

We just love working with clients that so fully embrace the cheeky potentials of art in the workplace.

Long may it continue to engage and inspire… 

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