Monday, 18 October 2010

Toby Trackman talks about Acrylicize

Charlie Waite in Episode 3

Below is an interview with Toby Trackman, writer and director of hit show How to take Stunning Pictures talking to Maria Tonelli about acrylicize's involvement in the show

How do you know Acrylicize?

As a photographer myself I am always on the look out for stunning and exciting new ways to display my work. I saw an exhibition that featured some of Acrylicize's work and was blown away. I sent them some of my work to be put on to acrylic and loved the results. Since then we've built up a strong relationship, and they've sold my shots to their clients and used them in their own installations.

Why did you decide to use them for the show?

As soon as I heard I was doing this project I knew the photos that we show in the studio needed to have that wow factor. A big part of seeing an image is having it printed out and blown up, a process many people miss out on now by storing their images on their computer. We really needed to sell the idea to the audience that they were looking at 'stunning' images, and how they were presented would really help achieve that. I instantly knew that Acrylicize’s methods and experience of installing stunning images in all kinds of environments was exactly what I was looking for. We were working with some of the world’s top photographers so the images had to look amazing and the print quality had to be absolutely first class - I knew Acrylicize would deliver. As we were filming on high-end HD, every pixel matters and Acrylicize really know how to make a print look fantastic.

What was their role on the show?

Acrylicize were in charge of printing up and mounting the final images chosen by our expert photographers, who included Martin Parr. Paul and James really went above and beyond on this project. They came down to our studio and helped us consider every aspect of presenting our images, including how to incorporate them into the set and how to make them work best on camera. Their expert knowledge was vital to the success of the most important part of the show.

What challenges did you face while filming the show?

Filming any show always has challenges, and Paul and James helped us massively. First, we had to find the right combination of printing methods and mounts to work best under studio lights and on camera. The images also had to meet the standards of our experts, who included some of the biggest names in modern photography. As ever on a shoot time was of the essence. We had less than a days turn around between deciding on the final image to be printed and it appearing on camera! With such a tight deadline there was no room for error and Acrylicize delivered ahead of schedule every time. It was great to know that the final prints were one thing I never had to worry about thanks to Acrylicize's fantastic efforts and energy. They even managed to get a set of prints done for me on a Sunday and delivered to a set in Brighton. They really went above and beyond the call of duty to deliver an absolutely first class product.

How did the idea for this show come about? Were Acrylicize involved?

The idea for the show came about through development at Blink Films. Acrylicize were heavily involved in developing the best way to display the final prints.

What’s your best tip for taking a good picture?

The best tip of the series came from Martin Parr, and that is to really engage with the subject. If you see something you're interested in, don’t just take one snap and assume you've got it as good as you can. Experiment, move around, try new angles, think about what you're trying to say with the photo and you'll soon find you come back with shots that are really satisfying.